Creating your own fragrance oil is not only a crafty and satisfying endeavor; it also allows you to enjoy custom scents crafted to your personal taste. Lavender and vanilla are two aromas that blend seamlessly to offer a calming and sweet-smelling essence. This instructional guide is perfect for DIY enthusiasts looking to infuse their living spaces or personal care items with a fragrant, homemade touch. Read on to discover how to craft your own Lavender Vanilla Fragrance Oil safely and effectively.


Homemade fragrance oils are gaining popularity, mainly due to the desire for personalized scents and also to avoid the sometimes-questionable chemical compositions of commercial perfumes. Lavender’s soothing properties combined with vanilla’s warm and cozy scent make for a delightful fragrance that is not only charming but may also promote relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Ingredients Needed

Before you start mixing, you’ll need to gather the following ingredients:

  • Essential Oils
  • Lavender essential oil, which is known for its floral and calming aroma.
  • Vanilla essential oil or vanilla oleoresin, for that sweet and homely vanilla scent. Note: Vanilla oleoresin is a thick, resinous substance, similar to an essential oil but extracted with a fixed, vegetable oil base.
  • Carrier Oil
  • A neutral-scented carrier oil such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, or fractionated coconut oil to dilute the essential oils safely.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Mixing the Essential Oils

Start by deciding how much fragrance oil you want to make. Typically, a 2% dilution rate is recommended for body applications: 12 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil. For a 1-ounce (30 ml) bottle, mix 6 drops of lavender essential oil with 6 drops of vanilla essential oil or 6 drops of vanilla oleoresin. Adjust the ratio to your preferred scent—one drop of vanilla for a hint, or up to 10 drops for a richer vanilla bouquet.

To mix, pour the essential oils directly into the bottle you’ll be using for storage. Create waves or swirls in the bottle by gently swirling the essential oils around before moving to the next step. This helps prevent the oil from separating later on.

2. Diluting with Carrier Oil

Once the essential oils are combined, fill the rest of the bottle with your chosen carrier oil, leaving a small space at the top to allow for mixing. Tighten the lid securely and shake the bottle vigorously for at least a minute, until the oils are well combined. Shake the bottle before each use.

3. Storing the Fragrance Oil

Store your Lavender Vanilla Fragrance Oil in a cool, dark place like a cupboard or drawer to protect it from light and heat. Ideally, the shelf life of your oil will be around six months, after which you’ll want to craft a fresh batch. Always keep fragrance oils, especially those containing essential oils, out of direct sunlight to prevent degradation.

Tips for Customization

You can easily customize this fragrance oil recipe to suit your preferred strength and use. Here are some pointers:

  • Adjust Strength: For a stronger scent, increase the amount of essential oils in your carrier base. Just remember to keep it within safe dilution limits.
  • Consistency: Depending on the carrier oil you choose, the consistency of your fragrance oil may differ. If the oil is too thick or too watery for your liking, experiment with different carrier oils to find the consistency you enjoy.

Usage Recommendations

Room Spray: Add a tablespoon of your Lavender Vanilla Fragrance Oil to a small spray bottle, fill the rest with distilled water, shake well before each use, and enjoy a calming spritz for your room.

Oil Diffuser: A few drops in a diffuser with water can create a comforting ambiance and a soothing scent to your living space.

Beauty and Personal Care: You can use the fragrance oil in DIY body oils, lotions, or even as a subtle scent for homemade soaps. Remember to test the oil on a small area of your skin first to ensure there are no allergic reactions.


Crafting fragrance oils at home is a fun and thoughtful way to enhance your environment. By experimenting with different essential oils and carrier oils, you can create a variety of unique scents tailored to your moods and settings. Always remember to approach the process with patience and care, especially when working with essential oils, to maintain safety and quality. Enjoy the process and revel in the delightful results of your homemade dreamy Lavender Vanilla Fragrance Oil!


Q: How do you make lavender vanilla essential oil?

A: To make lavender vanilla essential oil, you start by mixing pure lavender and vanilla essential oils. The standard ratio involves equal parts of each essential oil. For personal use, a 2% dilution rate is generally safe, meaning 12 drops of essential oils mixed with an ounce of a carrier oil, like jojoba or sweet almond oil.

Q: Can you mix lavender and vanilla oil?

A: Yes, you can mix lavender and vanilla oil. These two oils complement each other well, combining the calming, floral aroma of lavender with the sweet, comforting scent of vanilla. This blend is perfect for creating a soothing and inviting atmosphere.

Q: How do you make vanilla fragrance oil?

A: Making vanilla fragrance oil involves diluting vanilla oleoresin or vanilla essential oil with a carrier oil. Vanilla oleoresin is a concentrated extract that’s thicker than most essential oils, so it needs to be properly diluted for use. Start with a base of a neutral carrier oil and add vanilla oleoresin or essential oil to your preferred strength, keeping in mind the recommended safe dilution ratios.

Q: What does lavender vanilla smell like?

A: Lavender vanilla has a unique and delightful fragrance that combines the floral, calming scent of lavender with the warm, sweet aroma of vanilla. This blend creates a cozy and comforting atmosphere, promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being. It’s a popular choice for home fragrances and personal care products because of its universally appealing scent profile.

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Floryn Martin is the founder of Fairytale Candles, a popular candle store on Etsy, as well as the creator of Candle Social, a blog dedicated to the art and joy of candle-making. She started as a candle-making hobbyist and turned her passion into a thriving business. Beyond her entrepreneurial endeavors, Floryn is an avid reader, nature lover, and advocate for living a life rich with creativity and a dash of enchantment.

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