Candle making is an art form—a sentiment made even more resonant with the inclusion of essential oils in the process. For crafters and artisans, the allure of combining these concentrated plant extracts with molten wax represents an opportunity not only to create beautiful scents but also to offer holistic benefits to those who light the resulting candles. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the intersection of essential oils and candle making, uncovering the secrets to blending wellness with scent to produce candles that elevate the mind, body, and soul.

Discovering the Aromatic Essence of Candle Making

What Sets Essential Oils Apart in the Candle Crafting World?

When it comes to adding fragrance to candles, essential oils stand out as a natural, pure, and powerful choice. Unlike synthetic fragrance oils, essential oils are derived from plants and retain the beneficial properties found in nature. This not only creates a more authentic aroma but also ensures that the candles offer some of the therapeutic benefits associated with the plants used. For makers and consumers who prefer a more natural approach to scent, essential oils are an indispensable component of the candle crafting toolkit.

The Multi-Faceted Benefits of Scented Candles

Candles have long been associated with relaxation, and the addition of essential oils amplifies their soothing effects. Various essential oils are known to have calming, anti-anxiety, or even antibacterial properties. By choosing the right oils, candle makers can tailor their creations to relieve stress, improve sleep, or freshen the air. In an era where well-being and self-care are valued more than ever, scented candles featuring essential oils are a welcome addition to any home.

Environmentally Considerate Fragrances

For those with an environmentally conscious mindset, essential oils present a sustainable alternative to synthetic fragrances. They’re renewable, biodegradable, and often sourced using eco-friendly methods. When consumers burn candles scented with essential oils, they’re engaging in an eco-friendly practice that supports a sustainable supply chain—making the choice for environmentally conscious crafting and living clear and fragrantly satisfying.

Popular Essential Oils for Diverse Candle Moods

The Calming Elegance of Lavender

Lavender is a perennial favorite known for its soothing, floral scent and its ability to promote relaxation and restful sleep. It’s an essential oil that marries well with most other scents, making it a versatile choice for everything from custom blends to single-note candles.

Eucalyptus: Fresh, Purifying, and Uplifting

With its invigorating, camphoraceous scent, eucalyptus is ideal for creating an ambiance of freshness and mental clarity. Eucalyptus candles can be a breath of fresh air, quite literally, and are often favored during winter months or when needing to clear the air—physically and metaphorically.

The Sunny Disposition of Citrus

Citrus essential oils such as orange, lemon, and grapefruit offer a bright, uplifting fragrance profile. They’re perfect for energizing the spirit and dispelling negative moods. Citrus candles are great for morning routines, as mid-day pick-me-ups, or whenever a burst of cheer is needed.

Sensual Warmth with Spices and Woods

For a cozier atmosphere, essential oils derived from spices like cinnamon and clove, or woods such as cedarwood and sandalwood, can create a warm, inviting scent. These oils are often used as base notes in candle scents, complementing other fragrances and anchoring the overall aroma profile.

Incorporating Essential Oils Safely and Effectively

The Art of Scent Ratios

When working with essential oils, it’s crucial to consider scent strength. The general rule of thumb is to use one ounce of essential oils per pound of wax, though this can vary depending on the specific oil and desired strength. Makers should experiment with smaller batches to find the optimal ratio for their chosen oils.

Techniques for a Well-Balanced Scent

There are different approaches to adding essential oils to candles to achieve various scent effects. Layering scents is a popular approach, where different oils are added to the melted wax at specific temperature intervals. This helps to prevent the more volatile compounds from evaporating too quickly and ensures a well-rounded scent.

Protecting the Integrity of Your Scented Candles

It’s important to ensure that essential oils do not impact the performance of your candles. Oils that contain impurities or moisture can lead to waxy deposits on glass or inconsistent burning. Storage of oils in a cool, dark place, and ensuring they are added to wax at temperatures that do not compromise their composition, are crucial steps to maintaining the quality of the final product.

Crafting Custom Scented Candles with Essential Oils

A Symphony of Scents: Blending Essential Oils Creatively

Crafting a unique candle scent is an act of creativity that can bring an entirely new olfactory experience to life. Blending essential oils requires an understanding of scent profiles, including top, middle, and base notes. By combining oils from each category, you can create a complex, harmonious bouquet that evolves as the candle burns.

DIY Essential Oil Candle Recipes to Get You Started

Relaxing Lavender and Warm Vanilla

  • Mix 1 part lavender essential oil with 3 parts vanilla essential oil for a comforting, mellow aroma.
  • Add this combination to soy wax for a longer-lasting scent that’s perfect for evening relaxation.

Eucalyptus and Peppermint for Clarity

  • Combine equal parts eucalyptus and peppermint oils for an invigorating, mind-clearing blend.
  • Tapered candles are excellent for this energizing mix, perfect for a study or workspace.

Safety Precautions for Crafting Success

Working with essential oils requires a keen awareness of safety. Oils should never be directly heated, and contact with skin should be minimized. Use gloves and protective eyewear when handling oils. For the best results, always store essential oils in their original containers and keep all supplies neatly organized.

The Fragrant Legacy of Essential Oils in Candle Making

The inclusion of essential oils in candle making has transformed the simple act of burning a candle into a complex experience that can engage multiple senses and offer a range of physical and emotional benefits. By understanding the properties and uses of different oils, taking care to incorporate them safely and effectively, and unleashing creativity in blending and crafting, candle makers can offer a product that transcends mere luxury and evolves into a form of art that amplifies life’s everyday moments. Whether you’re a seasoned candle maker or just getting started, exploring the world of essential oils in your craft is an aromatic adventure well worth taking.


What Essential Oils are Good for Candles?

Almost any pure essential oil can be used in candle making, but popular choices include lavender for relaxation, citrus oils like lemon or grapefruit for energy and upliftment, eucalyptus for mental clarity, and cedarwood or sandalwood for a warm, inviting atmosphere. The key is to select oils based on the desired mood and aroma profile of the final candle product.

Can You Use 100% Essential Oils in Candles?

Yes, you can use 100% essential oils in candles, but it’s important to adjust the quantity appropriately as pure essential oils are highly concentrated. Typically, a small percentage of essential oil to wax ratio is recommended to ensure safety and the integrity of the candle’s burn performance.

Are Essential Oils or Fragrance Oils Better for Candles?

The choice between essential oils and fragrance oils depends on personal preference and specific needs. Essential oils are natural and have therapeutic benefits but might be more subtle and less consistent in scent. Fragrance oils are synthetic, offering a broader range of scents and typically stronger and more uniform fragrances. However, they lack the natural therapeutic benefits of essential oils.

How Many Drops of Essential Oil in Candle?

The amount of essential oil needed in a candle can vary based on the oil’s potency and the desired scent strength. A general rule of thumb is to use about 10ml (≈200 drops) of essential oil per 1 lb (≈450g) of wax. However, this can vary, and experimenting with smaller batches before making a large candle is advisable to achieve the desired scent strength.

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Floryn Martin is the founder of Fairytale Candles, a popular candle store on Etsy, as well as the creator of Candle Social, a blog dedicated to the art and joy of candle-making. She started as a candle-making hobbyist and turned her passion into a thriving business. Beyond her entrepreneurial endeavors, Floryn is an avid reader, nature lover, and advocate for living a life rich with creativity and a dash of enchantment.

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