Candle making is an art form that combines the soothing flicker of a flame with the aromatic allure of scents. Essential oils play a pivotal role in this craft, imbuing your creations with fragrances that can calm, invigorate, or uplift. For candle makers and DIY crafters, selecting the right essential oils is a tactile and olfactory treasure hunt. But with a myriad of oils out there, where do you begin? This guide will illuminate the path to creating scented candles that are both delightful and purposeful.

Essential Oils Selection

Not all essential oils are created equal when it comes to candle making. Some excel at lending a scent to a large room, while others are best for creating a cozy atmosphere in a smaller space. Here are some top oils every candle maker should have in their palette:


Renowned for its calming properties, lavender essential oil is a must-have for creating candles that promote relaxation and tranquility. It’s a versatile scent that blends well with other oils, making it perfect for aromatherapy blends too.


Eucalyptus oil is fresh and invigorating, with a clean, slightly medicinal aroma that’s especially welcome during the cold season. It can help clear the air and your mind, making it an excellent choice for workspaces and bathrooms.

Citrus (Lemon, Orange)

Citrus oils like lemon and orange offer a refreshing and uplifting fragrance that can help to brighten your living spaces. Their strong, happy scents are perfect for combating odors and creating an inviting environment.


Sweet and soothing, vanilla is a classic scent that brings a sense of warmth to any room. It blends well with a wide array of oils and is a favorite for sweet or bakery candle scents.


Peppermint oil’s crisp, cool fragrance is perfect for creating an energizing atmosphere. Its invigorating scent can be especially beneficial in spaces where focus is key, such as home offices or study nooks.

Each of these oils brings its own distinctive character to your candle-making adventures, and the combinations you can create are limitless.

Benefits of Using Essential Oils

The beauty of using essential oils in candle making goes beyond their delightful scents. These natural oils offer an array of benefits that can improve your well-being and the environment.

Aromatherapy Benefits

Aromatherapy, or the use of scents to enhance psychological and physical well-being, is a powerful practice. Essential oil candles can be a practical and enjoyable way to incorporate aromatherapy into your daily routine. Lavender, for example, can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation, while eucalyptus can aid in breathing and open the airways.

Health Benefits

By choosing natural essential oils over synthetic fragrances, you’re opting for a healthier candle. Some people are sensitive to synthetic fragrances, and these man-made scents can sometimes cause irritation. On the other hand, essential oils offer a more natural, gentle way to enjoy fragrances.

Environmental Benefits

Essential oils are derived from plant materials and are biodegradable, making them an eco-friendly choice for candle making. They also tend to be less overpowering than synthetic fragrances, allowing you to enjoy a subtle, natural scent in your home.

Tips for Incorporating Essential Oils

While adding essential oils to your candles seems straightforward, there are several tips that can elevate your creations from good to exceptional.

Proper Blending Techniques

Creating your own essential oil blends can be a fun and rewarding process. Start by blending small amounts of oil and testing the scent as you go. Keep notes on your recipes so you can replicate your favorite blends in the future.

Scent Intensity Control

The strength of the scent in your candle can be affected by the type of oil you use, the amount of oil you add, and the type of wax. For a stronger scent, you might choose a more potent oil or increase the amount added to your candle.

Safety Precautions

Always handle essential oils with care. Some oils can be phototoxic, meaning they can cause skin sensitivity when exposed to sunlight. Ensure you are aware of any potential hazards and handle oils in a well-ventilated area.

Safety also extends to the combustion of your candles. Be sure to select oils that are safe for burning and follow recommended guidelines for oil to wax ratios to prevent flare-ups.

DIY Essential Oil Candle Recipes

Ready to get creative with your candles? These simple recipes will guide you through creating your own essential oil-infused candles.

Calming Lavender Candle

Enjoy the peaceful scent of lavender with this tranquil-making candle recipe.

What You’ll Need:

  • Lavender essential oil
  • Soy wax flakes
  • Candle wick
  • Candle jar
  • Wick holder or chopsticks
  • Thermometer
  • Pouring pot
  • Scissors
  • Heat source


  1. Measure out the amount of wax you’ll need for your jar and place it in your pouring pot.
  2. Heat the wax to the recommended melting temperature (175-185°F for soy wax).
  3. While the wax is melting, prepare your jar by securing the wick in the center.
  4. Once the wax is melted, remove it from the heat and allow it to cool slightly.
  5. Add your lavender essential oil to the wax. A general rule of thumb is 1 ounce of oil per pound of wax, but you may want to adjust this to your preference.
  6. Stir gently to incorporate the oil but be careful not to introduce air bubbles.
  7. Pour the wax into your jar, leaving about a 1/2-inch from the rim.
  8. Straighten your wick and allow the candle to cool and harden.
  9. Trim the wick to about 1/4 inch before lighting your candle.

Energizing Citrus Mint Candle

This refreshing blend of citrus and mint will brighten up any room.

What You’ll Need:

  • Lemon essential oil
  • Peppermint essential oil
  • Orange essential oil (optional for a sweeter scent)
  • Soy wax flakes
  • Candle wick
  • Candle jar
  • Wick holder or chopsticks
  • Thermometer
  • Pouring pot
  • Scissors
  • Heat source


  1. Prepare your candle as in the previous recipe.
  2. Melt your wax as before and allow it to cool slightly.
  3. Add a few drops of each essential oil, adjusting to your preferred scent balance.
  4. Stir carefully and pour into your jar.
  5. Follow the remaining steps from the previous recipe for cooling, straightening, and trimming the wick.

You can experiment with the number of drops you use for each oil to achieve the perfect blend for you.


Candle making with essential oils is an accessible way to personalize your home environment. Whether you’re looking to create a warm, welcoming space with a vanilla candle or an energizing peppermint candle to boost your mood, essential oils can help you achieve just the right atmosphere.

Remember the art of candle making is as much about experimentation as precision, so don’t be afraid to try new things. Create unique scent blends, and take time to appreciate the process as much as the final product.

Start with the oils mentioned here, and gradually build your collection as you discover new favorites. The world of essential oils is vast, and the world you create with them through candle making can be just as expansive.

For every candle you make, infusing it with a personal touch will not only fill your home with beautiful scents but also infuse it with your joy and passion. And who knows, maybe your candles will become another person’s favorite home accouterment, sparking joy and comfort in their lives too.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What essential oils can you use in candle making?

You can use a variety of essential oils for candle making, depending on the scent profile you desire. Popular options include lavender for relaxation, eucalyptus for its refreshing and clear-scented aroma, lemon for its energizing properties, and peppermint for a stimulating effect. Essentially, any high-quality essential oil that is safe to be burned can be used in candle making.

What is the best oil for burning candles?

The best oils for burning candles tend to be those with a higher flash point and that are safe to inhale when burned. Essential oils like lavender, rosemary, cedarwood, and bergamot are favorites for their pleasant aromas and therapeutic benefits. The choice of oil also depends on personal preference and the desired effect you wish to achieve with your candle.

How do I make my candles smell stronger?

To make your candles smell stronger, you can increase the ratio of essential oil to wax. However, it’s important to not exceed the recommended percentage, which is typically 6-10% of the total weight of the wax, depending on the type of wax used. Additionally, using a high-quality, pure essential oil and ensuring optimal blending by adding the oil at the right temperature can also enhance the scent throw.

Is essential oil or fragrance oil better for candles?

The choice between essential oils and fragrance oils depends on personal preferences and the specific qualities you’re looking for in a candle. Essential oils are natural, extracted from plants, and can offer aromatherapeutic benefits, making them a healthier, more environmentally friendly option. Fragrance oils, on the other hand, are synthetic and can provide a wider range of scents, including those not available with essential oils. However, some people may find fragrance oils irritating. When it comes to scent purity and health benefits, essential oils are generally considered better; but for variety and cost-effectiveness, fragrance oils might be preferred.

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Floryn Martin is the founder of Fairytale Candles, a popular candle store on Etsy, as well as the creator of Candle Social, a blog dedicated to the art and joy of candle-making. She started as a candle-making hobbyist and turned her passion into a thriving business. Beyond her entrepreneurial endeavors, Floryn is an avid reader, nature lover, and advocate for living a life rich with creativity and a dash of enchantment.

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